Christopher Penczak Class on Cerridwen and the Cauldron of Inspiration

Cerridwen, fierce and beloved Witch goddess brews the sacrament of awen in her holy cauldron. Living upon the mysterious island upon the lake, she is the mother of beautiful light, utter darkness, and the poetry of the bards. Explore the powers of the cauldron as a vessel of inspiration, abundance, healing, transformation and initiation. Look […]

Christopher Penczak Class on Hermetic Qabalah, Witchcraft and the Mysteries of the Tree of Life

BBCMS 1620 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd S, BIrmingham, AL, United States

The influence of Hermetic Qabalah, ceremonial magick and alchemy is deeply entwined with the practice of modern Witchcraft, though not all Witches are aware of the influence of these traditions upon our Craft since before the rebirth of our traditions. We share a common occult tradition stretching into antiquity and coming to us through the […]